What Can You Do With One Shiny Penny?

A shiny penny is said to bring good luck. But have you ever considered using that one shiny penny to bring joy to someone?

When I was young, my brothers and I would gather up our pennies and rub them on the living room carpet until they glowed. Then we would stash them away to buy some penny candy. Those were the days!

Today I still save my shiny pennies until there is a nice stack. I discovered a fountain at the Mall of America where kids need only a penny to make a wish. After scattering pennies on the ledge, where they are sure be found, it’s fun to sit back and watch what happens.

One day a little guy came along, and I heard his Mom explain how to make a wish. She wouldn’t budge on him having to close his eyes or it wouldn’t come true. Next came a group of teenagers who scooped up all my pennies. Imagine they had a lot to wish for! Before leaving, one of the teens reached into his pocket and added whatever coins he had. Could he have been paying it forward??


What Else Can You Do With One Shiny Penny?
• Keep it on your desk or in a pocket as a reminder to smile, say hello, or scatter a bit of kindness.
• Tape it to a new piggy bank. Then give it to a very young child while you explain what it means to “save.”
• Give a shiny penny to everyone at your next group gathering. Challenge them to come up with an idea of what they will do with their penny to bring joy to others.


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